Sunday, January 18, 2015

It's a New Year: Time to Travel B****es!

I'm not usually a fan of making New Year's resolutions, but this year I decided to make two that I'm actually super stoked about. What are they, you ask?
  • Legit pursue a career in freelance writing. 
  • Travel a f*** ton.  
I've been working on both, but I plan to keep going full throttle. I turned 29 in October and my experience in traveling is practically nil save for some experiences I can credit more to my family than any actual go-getting on my part. As a Baltimore native, I've (like every Baltimore native to ever exist in the history of ever) been to Ocean City, Maryland tons of times. Even that is in large part due to my father being an avid surfer. Speaking of my dad...

Ok, I derailed a bit with that but I feel it deserves some public admiration from the tens of people many people reading this. I digress...

I've also been to Los Angeles, California because my sister lives there and a few other locations have been peppered in throughout the years (Vermont and Orlando, Florida when I was younger, and there was a spontaneous trip to New England a year back...blah blah...), but for the most part I've unwittingly allowed the years to accumulate untraveled. Between school and work (retail) and then going back to school while selling overpriced body lotions and hating my life working followed by the oh-crap-I'm-actually-a-grownup-now-or-something type of work, sewing my traveling "oats" became a point of regrettable procrastination. While my friends were studying abroad or taking Euro-trips, I was overloading myself with classes coupled with work, coupled with bad dates that later transpired into even more dire "long-term" relationships (i.e., three to six month rotations...late teens and early-to-mid twenties are a time of great life lessons, albeit horror stories). All of these events were punctuated by a slew of tequila shots and apple martinis.

At least I can check "hangovers" and "date a string of crazy people" off my bucket list.

In less than a year I'll be turning the dirty thirty, and I realize that I'm at this strange point where I get to straddle the proverbial line between free-spirited flirtatious single life and conscientious, mature taxpayer. I'm going to bed at decent times before getting up for work in the morning and keg stands are a thing of memories, but the prospect of "settling down" (a phrase that starts to insinuate its way into everyone's vernacular the older you get) still hasn't made a blip on my radar. I feel like once you enter your mid-twenties, there's this influx of weddings and subsequent baby showers--overlapped by even more weddings--that unfolds. People get married and start families all the time, but suddenly it becomes this omnipresence.

I'm nowhere near ready for that, which is fine according to an online quiz that told me no one's even going to decide to put a ring on it until I turn 41. And because the internet is always right (right?), that gives me over a decade to revel in my bachelorette-hood!

I had some time off for the holidays while awaiting the start of a new job, so I decided to cease the opportunity to get at least a little bit of traveling in. I didn't go terribly far, but it was still new territory for me.

Trip #1: New York City

Even though I only live four hours from New York City, I had never been there--blasphemy for someone that's grown up on the east coast and also used to be a theatre major.

My best friend is actually from New York (I know...why the "F" had I never been there, again??) and was spending the holidays there. My sister was also in town over the holidays, so I didn't want to commit to an entire weekend away, but Alice (the bestie) was going to be heading to the city on Friday from her hometown, so I booked a MegaBus ticket for a day trip.

Spoiler alert--the bus broke down...and it took over two hours to get it fixed.

That was fun...

In short, I probably should have planned for a longer trip or at least a much earlier arrival since I didn't end up being able to enjoy that much time in a new, exciting city. Still, I considered the trip a nice "preview" of NYC and still got to see some amazing friends, visit Chinatown and marinate in the illumination that is Times Square. Here's a panoramic summary of my time there:


NYC Subway. Pretty much sums things up 

Some building

Chinatown (obviously)

Times Square

Trip #2: Philadelphia

My friend Paul goes to medical school in Philly, and we'd talked off and on about the prospect of me coming to visit. Steadfast in my NYE resolution, I took a weekend trip to visit him and it was pretty freaking phenomenal.

For one, alongside being a genius whose likely going to cure lupus one day, Paul is one of the funniest, nicest and most awesome guys I know. He was the quintessential tour guide, ensuring my trip was replete with food, drinks, sight-seeing, culture, more food and more drinks. 

Who needs a cheesesteak when you have bacon, eggs, cheese and maple syrup wrapped in a crepe? I ordered this masterpiece at Cafe Lift

The Franklin Institute was AHHHH-MAZING! The Animals Inside Out exhibit was ridiculous. You can ch-ch-check out some gross-yet-awesome photos on my Instagram.

For the love of science!

Chilling on the bone bench #bonebench

Then the drinking began...

And kept going...

And kept candlelight, no less!

The truffled mushrooms with fontina at Tria Cafe were amazing, btw.

Here's to a new year and new experiences!!


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