And I'm like...
Credit: Photobucket
Apparently the maggot crawled out, Shari decided to take matters into her own hands by calling Perdue and then tweeting the image to the company. They tweeted back with a request for Shari to call and provide more details. Once she did, the response was almost as unappetizing as the chicken.
"So I call the number @PerdueChicken gave me about the #Maggot that crawled out my chicken and they say it's the chicken's sex organ," Shari tweeted. WTF?!"
I didn't realize that sex organs crawled around and keeled over after being in the oven for a set period of time, but then again, I'm not a chicken #sarcasm.
Adding to the "fowl play" is this recent article from Forbes describing what may be the billione-dollar poultry patriarch's dark underbelly. The article includes a video that is graphic in nature, so discretion in advised.
@PerdueChicken, explain thyself!
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