Monday, December 15, 2014

WTF Perdue?! Maggot Crawls Out of Chicken Dinner

My lovely coworker (soon to be ex-coworker as I start a new job in a few weeks #yay #sadface #yayplussadface), Shari, informed me of a dinner gone awry the other night involving a Perdue chicken and insect spawn. After removing the pernicious poultry from the oven, Shari began to whip up some gravy when this happened...

And I'm like...

SNL Grossed Out Gif photo GrossedSNL_zps78c71cbb.gif
Credit: Photobucket

Apparently the maggot crawled out, Shari decided to take matters into her own hands by calling Perdue and then tweeting the image to the company. They tweeted back with a request for Shari to call and provide more details. Once she did, the response was almost as unappetizing as the chicken.

"So I call the number @PerdueChicken gave me about the #Maggot that crawled out my chicken and they say it's the chicken's sex organ," Shari tweeted. WTF?!"

I didn't realize that sex organs crawled around and keeled over after being in the oven for a set period of time, but then again, I'm not a chicken #sarcasm.

Adding to the "fowl play" is this recent article from Forbes describing what may be the billione-dollar poultry patriarch's dark underbelly. The article includes a video that is graphic in nature, so discretion in advised.

@PerdueChicken, explain thyself!